Well, man does make his plans, but God does direct his path. I have never known the truth of that statement as well as I do now. The good news is, God's paths are way neater, way more satisfying and way more wonderful even if you don't think they will be.
Phil and I have sold our home I thought I could never leave and paid for a lovely home (I refuse to call it a condo) that I now don't think I could ever leave.
As I type I am watching a tiny hummingbird feed just outside my window. Everything about our new "nest" is a blessing to us. Every morning Phil says, "I am so happy." I am just as happy as he and ever grateful for God's big vision in spite of our sometimes tiny one and His marvelous provision for not only our needs but our desires.
I guess if I want this little blog to speak to anyone's heart today, I would have it say, "gain contentment." Contentment is without a doubt the most precious state of mind and spirit and worth more than just about anything else one could desire. The most amazing thing about it is that anyone can have it! It is simply the result of not getting what we want, but recognizing and appreciating what we have. Oh, how monumental it is to embrace your life, just as it is. From that vantage point, God can outdo Himself (as if that were possible!) If we can just learn to trust Him, He will pull many bunnies from His hat, surprising and delighting us with His divine ability to know us better than we know ourselves!
We call our home our "nest." Let me rephrase that. I call it a "nest" but think that Phil thinks that name is a little cheesy. But we will NEVER call it a "condo." Nest is a word that conjures up a much more accurate description of our new home. One of kind? yes- Cozy? immensely so -Made to fit us? exactly-Safe? very... I could go on but you get the picture.
Let me close by saying this, don't go looking for happiness and contentment as if it is a button that has rolled under the sofa. You will find it when you accept your life, and go about your day doing the things God has put before you with a grateful heart.
"Contentment is a pearl of great price, and whoever procures it at the expense of a 1000 desires makes a wise and happy purchase."