Sunday, November 8, 2009

hip hip hooray!

It may be a tad early for us to be talking about snow, but come cool weather, rain, sleet,or freezing nights, we are officially READY! When we looked for a new home one thing that was on the top of the have-to-have (Lord willing) list: a wood burning fireplace. Well, talk about "grateful", this girl was and is more than grateful to have found such a lovely one that works so well and provides the same exact coziness as our old one, the same exact comfort, and the same exact thrill. Now, if that were not enough, today we put together our wood rack and stacked our new load of wood on it. Honestly, as I think I said in a past entry, I almost have to call 911 when I see wood stacked, ready and waiting.

Is it the "ant syndrome," you know, being ready for winter? Or is it more the romance of cutting, stacking and working together that makes the enjoyment of a wood fire so lovely? Is it the warmth, the unmatchable smell, or the welcome it evokes that makes it so wonderful? I don't really know why a fire brings such joy, but I am ever grateful for it and a soul mate to share it with who seems to love it as much as I.

"the darker the storm, the brighter the fire,"
Jane Austen

Friday, November 6, 2009

the morning sun

This little entry is for you, Brenda, my most faithful and maybe only follower.
One wonderful truth God has taught me is to look for anything and everything that I am grateful for and take the time to ponder the nourishing effect it has upon my everyday life. There is a daily occurrence that has remained near the top of my list for years, the morning sun. It fills my house with early golden light, moving across the floor (revealing previously invisible dust) and highlighting objects that I love, giving them an ethereal glow for a moment. Many mornings you may find me slowly moving around the rooms waiting and watching for this momentary magic trick only the sun can pull off. I have taken so many pictures, but none ever do justice to the thrill if affords.

One reward I receive for early rising is to be met by long, bright rays of sunshine flooding the hall as I leave my bedroom. God's everlasting faithfulness is once again revealed by the constant return of the sun, a life-giving miracle that we often take for granted. I suppose that without realizing it, the sun has always carried more than warmth and light for me. It is a reminder of "new mercies" that always accompany a new day in Christ Jesus. New hope, new opportunities, a new way to see something......

"No matter how dark the night, somehow the morning sun rises over again and all shadows are chased away."
David Click
ever grateful for that!

little blanket of snow

little blanket of snow