God never fails to order up delightful weather for my birthday! I've had years where sweat would be dripping off my hair on September 29th, but lo and behold on September 30th I have to grab a sweater for the cool wind and sunglasses for the bright sun. It has been a day of friends, love and much joy. I don't even have to cook supper!
I've been working in our little garden. Who could have known, (least of all me) how beautiful our new little home would be to me. I cannot name my favorite room. Dorothy knew her stuff when she said, "There's no place like home." Before our move, I guess I thought our home had to be the one we had. Oh, sweet blog friend, your home is where your loved ones are, where your well-loved things are, and where Jesus is. So, like Dorothy, I click together my muddy brown Crocs and agree "there is truly no place like home."
It's Fall and last year this time I was writing about my passion for it. I won't bore you with repeating my sappy love for every minute of it, but let me close with this stirring word picture found in "Autumn" (a precious gift from Clare a couple of birthdays ago.)
"October gave a party, the leaves by hundreds came-the chestnuts, oaks and maples-their costumes all aflame. Miss Weather led the dancing, Professor wind the band. The guests were all a flutter and danced off hand in hand." george cooper
ever grateful for that picture.....
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