OK, here it is, not the hint of it, not the anticipation of it, but IT! This season truly turns me into a sentimental sap, letting down my guard over my emotions. Fall always tenderizes my heart after summer's heat has somehow hardened it, like it does to the late summer earth. Poignant memories and bittersweet endings swirl around me in the cool air like leaves making their way to the ground. I am an autumn nut case. This season means so many things to me. I fell in love with Phil in the fall, gave my heart and life to Jesus in the fall, have my birthday in the fall, write poetry in the fall, cry at the drop of a hat in the fall, and spend time lying on the ground and staring into space a lot remembering and dreaming.
Listen to some great things other fall nuts have written:
October gave a party, the leaves by the hundreds came-
the chestnuts, oaks and maples-their costumes all aflame.
Miss Weather led the dancing, Professor wind the band.
The guests were all aflutter and danced off hand in hand." -Cooper
"Delicious Autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. George Eliot
"If a man watches more than 3 football games in a row he should be declared legally dead." Erma Bombeck
1 comment:
Okay, at what point does a person go from being a groupie to a stalker? I really want to know, because others in the world...and we all know who they are...stepped into the world of stalking after a presumably innocent stage of 'follower' or 'groupie'.
The apron story started me wondering into which category I might land. After the apron story I began to check the blog more often to see if additional stories had been posted...about any topic, I didn't care. It was like that Meg Ryan scene in 'You've Got Mail' when she tries to describe to Tom Hanks the feeling that swept over her when she discovers mail 'from him'.
And so I would like a little clarification here...maybe a warning that I have strayed too far toward the edge of stalking, that I need to back up my emotions somewhat...be more reserved perhaps. (Maybe I just need to stop using so many dang periods in my sentences!)
With your Autumn story came another rush of soul connection.
I was commiserating to a fellow journeyman recently about how getting older brings on a certain invisible-ness. People don't take notice of you, your comments are pushed aside and you begin to feel, well...invisible. But she reminded me that God is invisible, too! And maybe if we spend more time looking for Him in our days, it would bring the joy back. It could be like a game, seeing how many times and in what places you can spot God working or being or even laughing. And so we have been doing that, nudging each other and pointing to a sighting.
Well, in the Autumn, I don't even have to try...everywhere my eyes land is a postcard from God, reminding me of analogy after analogy. It truly is a rich harvest of lessons.
So, Elaine, I say all this to say - my days are currently filled with a breathless, hold onto your hat busy-ness that is brought to a grateful pause by your blog posts. It is with the utmost respect and curiosity that each one is devoured and pondered upon.
Your blog has become a touch point - a reminder to slow down and view the irresistible heart of God. You have brought into focus the hidden world of God that is best seen at a snail's pace rather than from the window of a commuter train.
And I thank you for continuing to do on the world wide web what you have always done from the heart of your home...point out the wonders of God to anyone who would slow down and notice.
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