What is it about a bird taking a good, vigorous, extra splashy bath in our fountain that perks me up no matter what circumstance I am in? All that wiggling and vibrating serve as a very effective little sprinkler system, watering flowers and plants all around. I have a friend who's fountain inspired mine, and birds line up there for a bath like cars in a car wash line! That is my goal, to have them line up for their turn. So far, Robins and Brown Thrashers top the list of daily bathers. Sparrows love it and take the longest to finish their business. I am waiting for a chickadee to find the perfect little rock in it to perch upon and stop my heart (not permanently of course.)
God does exactly what He says He does in providing for even the birds, knowing what they need without them asking. Could I trust with such abandon as a little bird?
A sad phone call put me into a 'what-if' state of mind this morning. Watching the birds has been comforting to me---watching them stay in the moment, enjoying what is put before them without anxiety over tomorrow. Living like that would bring a "beautiful simplicity to my life; a time for everything, and everything in its time." Is what I am worrying about part of today's portion for me? If it isn't, would I release it into God's care and go on about today's duties?
Thank you, little birds. Your were God's visual today in the "Learning More About Trust" crash course He has assigned me.
ever grateful for that
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