I am dedicating this post to you, my mysterious Japanese, Chinese, or some other "eese" reader that sends me comments that lead to your porn site. At first, I was so thrilled that someone outside my little world was reading about my views on life and sharing the same grateful responses to God's care--thrilled until I clicked on your comment.
That is when I discovered your trick, a subtle plan to somehow lure me into your world view.
It amazes me and encourages me that you continue to read about my joy, my pain, my faith, my woodpile and my little fountain. Perky breasts seem to be your cup of tea,(I admit I wish mine were more so) and yet you read about the thrill a first hyacinth brings me and how I am trusting God with everything and everyone I hold dear. Trust is an alluring topic, don't you agree?
Oh dear searching one. First, let me assure you that I have discovered by God's good grace, that indeed, without surrendering to His compelling love in my life, I, like you, am capable of anything that would eventually break my heart and the hearts of my family, foster lust and pride in my mind, and lead me to loneliness and despair. But, hear this! There is a choice that is offered us. It is as much for me as for you. It is for every empty, broken, rich, poor, healthy, sick, and living soul on the planet.
It is Jesus. The same Jesus that sees your life and mine, sees we can never be with Him in paradise because of our sin, sees that without His rescue we will perish, forever.
Oh reader, would you consider taking what is mine? It is a commodity that never runs out, there is always enough to share.You would be taking hope, taking peace of mind and heart, taking joy and clean fun, even taking pain (which you will have, by the way) and being able to walk in it with the comfort of Jesus by your side.
The world you are living in seems to have the answer to your constant pursuit of happiness and satisfaction. It is a lie....there is no true satisfaction outside of knowing God. All else is temporary, needing to be constantly refilled for one more moment of counterfeit happiness.
I am praying for you dear reader; praying for you, not because I am looking down on you and seeing myself as better. I am praying for you because Jesus has shown me we are all alike. I just have met Him first. He has paid for what I have done, and in my heart that is full of self-interest, will do again. I want you to have what I have... a confidence in a Savior that has saved me from myself, a love that never fails, a peace the world cannot give, and a life that never ends.
"For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He even gave up His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish-come to destruction, be lost-but have eternal and ever lasting life.
For God did not send the Son into the world in order to judge-to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on-the world;but that the world (you and me) might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him. John 3:16,17 (amplified version)
For that I am forever grateful! May we be safe together....
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